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Friday, 19 June 2009.

From Orchard Road to HDB estates, recycling bins seem to be everywhere, underlinging the country's push for a greener city. But what some people throw into them is a different matter.

The Straits Times peeked into 80 recylling bins in public areas and found that all of them contained some rubbish that could not be recycled.

The "foreigh items" included decomposed chicken briyani, soggy tissue paper, prawn shells and chicken bones.Many bins were also used as ashtrays, while others were fouling-smelling and attaracted pests like fruit flies and ants.While the average amount of recyclyables collected from each bin in HDB estates has gone up- from 65kg per month in 2007 to 103kg per month last year the National Enviroment Agency(NEA) said that about one-fifth of all waste deposited in recycling bins could not be recycled.

OPINION>>I think the goverment should make a solution to it. I was also shocked when I noticed a recycling bin. It was almost same as that picture above. I think the reason is because of bad habit in Singapore. Singaporean houses usually have rubbish bin which is connected to downstairs and the rubbish can be easily thrown. I think due to it, we become lazy and refuse to recycle. The goverment should destory that as soon as possible. In korea, all the apartment have a day to throw the rubbish which can be recycled once a week and a person comes to a specific place to watch people whether they do right thing. I think Singapore will not have any problem if we follow it .

WHAT RUBBISH | 9:36 pm ♥ go london.

The sizzling weather of the past few weeks looks set to continue, right up to the weekend and possibly beyond. The only respite might come from brief showers between the late morning and early afternoon on some days this week.According to the 14-day forecast issued by the National Enviroment Agency(NEA)last week, tenperatures over the next few days could hit 34 or even 35 deg deg C.Things could get a lot more uncomfortable too.: the dry weather during this period could result in forest fires in neighbouring countries, which may see haze settling over Singapore. June, traditionally the hottest month of the year here, is also smack in the middle of the south-west monsoon season. this means rainfall levels are likely to be low as rain get blown away by the strong south-west wind.
OPINION>>I felt the weather is quite hot. i think it is because of Global Warming. Scientists predicted that the global warming will proceed slowly but the fact is diffenrent. The last year June average was 30 deg C ~32deg C. The temerature was rised by 3 deg C. I think we need consideration of global warming right now. The international society should make a law that can affect the global warming and We should use Public transport habitually instead of private car. Also The scientists should invent Anti-smoke car such as Hydrogen and solar car.

2th paragraph
-While many people here are scurrying for relief, not eveyone is complaining about the heatwave: For air-conditioner retailers, sales have spiked by up to 50 per cent.
A check with 12 of them showed that sales of units went up by between 15 and 50 per cent over the past month alone.While business traditionally gets better during the hot month, retailers said demad is noticeably higher this year. Companies which service air-conditioners are also raking in the cash. Several companies contacted by The Straits Times said business is so good that they have had to turn away customers.

Opinion>>It could be good for the compaines which serves the air-conditioners but it can be bad for the Earth. The more the air-conditioners means the higher the pollution and so it can be worse next year. I think the goverment should decrease the price of the fan and increase the price of air-conditioner. If they do that , I think the temperature of the Earth can be decreased.

The heat is on-and may worsen | 8:49 pm ♥ go london.

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